Strong physical and mental health goes beyond what we eat and how much we exercise. While food and exercise help us to achieve the shape of our bodies and how we feel and think, other very important factors play a major role in shaping our lives, who we are and how we look and feel.
What does it take to nourish our bodies and minds? Food and drink is the obvious answer. But as human beings, we need more than the basics to thrive. We need a sense of connection to others through developing healthy relationships. We need to feel as if we are making a contribution. We also need to feel as if we belong, a sense of purpose or meaning and connection to something bigger than ourselves – our spirituality. We try to satisfy these needs in so many different and creative ways.
But, achieving sound body and mind is a journey.
As women, we are challenged each and every day to live up to the expectations that have been set for us by our parents, friends, siblings, partners, and society. Many of us are left with little reserve as a result. We all want to be healthy, feel healthy, and look healthy – no, we want to be beautiful both inside and out. So why do we continue down a path that depletes our energy rather than journeying toward what gives us energy, vibrancy and vitality? Think about it. So much of what we do in the pursuit of health and beauty achieves the opposite effect. We want to be thin so we starve our bodies of nutrients it needs. We want to be successful so we forego sleep while we burn the candle at both ends and forego nurturing the relationships that are important to us. We want to be beautiful and so we fool ourselves into believing we can turn back the clock through painful surgeries. We do this rather than embracing who we are and what the universe has given us.
As a “40 something”, I’ve come to the place where I feel I’ve grown into my skin. It wasn’t easy, but I know now that I wouldn’t trade one scar or one wrinkle for the wisdom I’ve gained along my journey. We’ve all heard the saying, “beauty is skin deep”. Without strength of character and compassion, beauty is truly but an illusion.
I am curious to learn how many women out there feel like they’ve truly come into their own, and I’m not talking about fame or fortune here. How many of us are experiencing good health, vitality, healthy relationships, peace of mind, a sense of community and belonging? These are all pieces that are needed to complete the puzzle.