It wasn't all that long ago that my idea of a bowl of soup was something out of a can. I will, on occassion, resort to that alternative depending on time of day, ingredients on hand, etc., but there is no substitute for a pot of home-made soup. Depending on the type, some soups taste even better after they've been made and refrigerated for a day or two because all the flavors have had a chance to marry and, well, you know...
I'll even go as far as to say there's no substitute for a pot of hearty, home-made soup partnered with some fresh bread or biscuits. So today, I'll pursue both while I continue to watch the snow falling outside from the warmth of my little slice of paradise. I can't think of a better way to spend a wintery Saturday!

Red Lentil Soup
Hi sis,
You asked me to check out your new posting and give feedback. The photos are great. How did the soup turn out? I love lentils (red especially for the delicateness and ability to cook fast and turn mushy - I prefer thick, pureed type soup). And, of course, soups are higly noutritious and easy to digest, as well as being liquid comfort and warmth. Tonight I'm making French onion soup with a twist. Supposed to be in the single digits with wind chills of 0. D & M send love.
The only cans of soup I will buy are the ones called for in recipes that are not soup. As a girl who grew up on a no salt diet, the canned soups just make me feel sick. Homemade soups are definitely the way to go though if soup is what you enjoy. I've never been a huge fan of soups though. Its the broth that somehow kills it for me.
The ad above the reading list? The one about Anthony Bourdain's show No Reservations? I watch that almost every Monday and I was hooked on the reruns until his new season began last night in Venice. I'm really excited next week for Washington, D.C.
That soup looks great! Emily is a vegetarian (since last spring) so I'm always looking for new ideas. Did you follow a recipe or just throw a bunch of stuff in a pot? I didn't know you were a "blogger" but look forward to reading future posts.
Hoping you are well!
Hi everyone - thanks for your comments and compliments. As for following a recipe...not usually. I learned how to cook primarily from my grandmother. I wing it and most of the time it's pretty good, if I may say so myself. Interested in recipes?? I can always create them. Let me know.
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